Their antics also sometimes get them into trouble. The show revolves around Bheem and his team using their skills to solve various problems affecting the village, unravel mysteries, fight evils that seek to harm Dholakpur or its inhabitants, or foil the plans of their rivals Kalia, Dholu and Bholu, who aim to embarrass Bheem. His closest friends are Chutki, a clever girl, Raju, a brave toddler wearing nothing but his underpants, and a talking monkey called Jaggu.
The series revolves around Bheem, sometimes referred to as Chhota Bheem due to his young age, a boy who is strong and intelligent.īheem is a well loved figure in the village known for his good heart and helping hand. The series is set in a village in the fictional kingdom of Dholakpur. He often manages to solve everyone's problems which endears him to the townspeople of Dholakpur. Bheem is a brave, strong and intelligent young boy.
This show is available in English, Hindi, Telugu and Tamil.
Little Bheem) is an Indian animated comedy adventure television series, created by Green Gold Animations based in Hyderabad.